
Three epic SF tunes

Soooooo much music, so little time. Some sci-fi sounds for you… 1] Max Cooper Everything With Everything, electronic musician and AV artist Max Cooper has created a euphoric epic with a beautiful video to match. It’s the kind of tune that could soundtrack a journey through a black hole, a mysterious stargate… or you could just […]


Some standout sci-fi sonics

Since you’re here, the chances are you’re into a bit of science-fiction-themed listening. Try these… 1] Phoebe’s White Skin by Velvet May This dark and relentless headphone-techno track is perfect for soundtracking sci-fi action sequences in your imagination. Its atmosphere reminded me a lot of 1990 SF cult movie Hardware. Which incidentally, if you’ve never […]


More Soma sounds

Here’s the latest in what’s becoming something of a series of recommendation posts, offering my latest picks from internet space-radio specialists Soma FM’s Groove Salad and Deep Space One channels – always my preferred pick for ambience when I’m writing. It’s also the kind of stuff I imagine that Avion pilot Vonya of Ok’cuu from […]


Soma space sounds

I can’t overstate the importance of some decent background tunes when I’m working – they just help me tune out the distractions that bit more and generally oil the gears of whatever I’m up to. Over the last year or two my go-to for new sounds has become Soma FM, who offer commercial free, completely […]

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