
New book and series – Fleet Rats (Dropzone #1)

Hot on the heels of last month’s release, Rise Of The Exiles, comes the latest scribbling from my fevered, sci-fi-obsessed mindscape. It’s called Fleet Rats (Dropzone #1) and is a new military sci-fi series of novels, set in the same universe as my previous sci-fi books – Conversations With Droids, The Kassini Division and Rise […]


Rise Of The Exiles is out

Rise Of The Exiles, my sequel to The Kassini Division, is out now to buy on Amazon. Suffice to say, it’s been through many updates and rewrites. I wanted to ensure the story of Kassini, Krieger, Taro, Vonya, Mak, Rust and co was sufficiently compelling to expand out into a series of books that fuses […]

AI Books Films

Dead Formats and the sci-fi detective crossover

Dead Formats (A Rand Hoté Mystery) is my new book, available now on Amazon. It’s a science-fiction mystery novel, featuring a detective investigating a murder in a near-future world that’s extrapolated from our own. Here’s the blurb: When holo lawyer Rand Hoté meets Tegan Kolechko, she hires him to investigate her death.  Tegan’s been resurrected as a hologram, but has no memory of […]

AI Books Films TV

New book: Dead Formats

My latest novel is a sci-fi mystery story set in 2064, in a world based loosely on our own where immortality has been achieved via workable, but imperfect, hologram simulation technology. Check out the amazing cover, which was designed by Kat Bastow and incorporates elements by Bruno Thethe and Irina Bg. I think it manages […]


Astro – happy little helper or sinister Big Trak?

Dystopian fiction just became even harder to write today, as reality upped its game considerably with Amazon’s announcement of the Astro domestic robot… This 20lb, two-foot-tall domestic surveillance droid is designed to offer its owners “peace of mind” – ‘in exchange for you handing over every last scrap of you and your family’s privacy forever’, […]


Cyberclunk 2077

I’ve been working my way through the much hyped and then equally maligned Cyberpunk 2077 on PC of late – it’s another of those sitting-at-a-time type open-world type games I like to pick up, play for a few hours and put down again, and I thought it was worth a few words. I’m also going […]


Soma space sounds

I can’t overstate the importance of some decent background tunes when I’m working – they just help me tune out the distractions that bit more and generally oil the gears of whatever I’m up to. Over the last year or two my go-to for new sounds has become Soma FM, who offer commercial free, completely […]


Goo vibrations

I’ve tried to give a game which was an impulse purchase from an age ago a spin recently to see if it can hold my attention on the second attempt – namely Grey Goo by Greybox. Though the title sounds like something aimed at very young people, it’s actually a gloriously retro tactical level RTS […]

AI Books Films

10 visions of sentient starships

Writing far-future sci-fi is a pretty front-loaded undertaking – there’s a lot to be decided on before you place those chubby monkey digits on the keyboard and start hammering away. And one of the reasons it’s worth doing in the first place is that you get to write about spaceships (which, because of Star Trek, Star […]


Cannon fodder

I love Taur. For those who haven’t had the pleasure, it’s described on Steam as an “action-strategy sci-fi game”, but its lineage is that of the well-stocked tower-defence genre where the emphasis is very much on the action. You control the mighty Prime Cannon, which you must constantly upgrade and supplement from the tech tree, […]

Get your free eBook copy of Conversations With Droids, a book of 12 sci-fi short stories.